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Wednesday, September 29

Different Rafaels (Belliard, Furcal), same winning ways

Atlanta Braves Head into 13th Consecutive Postseason
The Braves came a long way since starting the season 32-38. The Braves lost a boatload of free agents (Glavine, Maddux, Sheffield, Javy) the last few years, but they managed to come together. Smoltz, the one player who's been on the Braves through the streak, said that this season felt like the magical worst-to-first season of 1991.

With only a handful of games left in the regular season, the Braves still have no idea who their opponent will be in the first round of the playoffs - it could be the Cubs, the Dodgers, the Astros, the Giants, or the mighty Cardinals. Personally I'm hoping it's the Dodgers so I can pull out my "Beat LA" poster that's been collecting dust in the closet since the Braves came from 9.5 games back to beat Los Angeles in the NL West in 1991.

*Starters, stats, and summaries for Braves' last 13 seasons
*History of the Atlanta Braves
*Playoff tiebreakers/seeding rules (from '03)

Monday, September 27


Jon Stewart on The O'Reilly Factor (transcript)
O'REILLY: Puppets can't vote, but these dopey kids who watch you can.
STEWART: They actually can -- in Florida, they can.
O'REILLY: Puppets can vote in Florida.
STEWART: As long as they vote Republican.
O'REILLY: And they haven't committed a felony.
STEWART: And they haven't committed a felony, that's exactly right.

How to Beat O'Reilly: Kill him with kindness.
O'Reilly on 60 Minutes
No Joke: Daily Show Viewers Follow Presidential Race

Thursday, September 23

Where did the plane go?

Did American flight #77 Really Collide with the Pentagon?
A lot of evidence is presented supporting the theory that a 757 could
not have slammed into the Pentagon. Supposedly, none of the archival
video of the Pentagon during the attack show a large plane, no physical
evidence of a large plane was left behind, and a large plane would have
caused more fires. I'm not an engineer, so I can't really evaluate.

The Argument: the article | the video

On a totally other note, a Stanford Law Graduate allegedly prostituted
to pay off her student loans.

Thursday, September 16

Ba's Pictures (album)
Includes pictures both from Sneha's BharatNatyam Arangetram in Vegas and Ba's stay in Philadelphia. Because of the focus on Ba, there are no screenshots of MVP Baseball 2004.

Friday, September 10

This Land by JibJab | view animation
This Land is a humorous animated parody about the presidential election. It was featured in many news outlets in July.

I've been holding off posting it for a while because I wanted to have good ancilliary links. The first link below is the Wikipedia article on This Land I started as a stub and now, tragically, exists only as a redirect to the JibJab stub. The second link is the transcript of a 60 Minutes segment that explores the Yale secret society "Skull and Bones" of which Kerry and Bush are both members -- ten top Bush appointees are also "Skull and Bones" members.

Wikipedia: This Land | "Skull and Bones" segment

Tuesday, September 7
Of God it is the greater,
and before Him did precede.
More evil than the devil;
if eaten, life recedes.
The poor are said to have it
while the wealthy are in need.
If you've only got the answer
Then you likely won't succeed.

What is it?
(scroll down on linked page to view answer)