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Thursday, February 19
Scientists: Bush Distorts Science
The Bush administration has distorted scientific fact leading to policy decisions on the
environment, health, biomedical research and nuclear weaponry, a group of about 60
scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, said in a statement on Wednesday.

The nonpartisan Union of Concerned Scientists released both a 38 pg report and a brief statement..

TOC of the Report:
Part I: Suppression and Distortion of Research Findings at Federal Agencies
Part II: Undermining the Quality and Integrity of the Appointment Process
Part III: An Unprecedented Pattern of Behavior
Conclusions and Recommendations: What’s at Stake

from the statement:
"Scientific findings on issues such as climate change, mercury emissions, and reproductive
health are being weakened or omitted in government reports and websites."

administration's response:
"We have to find a way to reach out to them and try to come to an understanding, because
this administration has in fact been very supportive of science."