masala: the international spice
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Wednesday, May 26

Broken Rickshaw
Green rickshaws need
maintenance too
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Smog City to Clean Capital: How Delhi Did it
Ten years ago, Delhi was one of the world’s 10 most polluted cities, with
vehicles accounting for 70 per cent of polluting emissions. Since the city
mandated changes to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), carbon monoxide
levels are down 32 per cent and sulphur dioxide levels are down 39 per cent.

Could Natural Gas Work in America?
• Because there are abundant supplies of natural gas in North America, using
natural gas to replace gasoline helps reduce our country's dependency on
foreign petroleum.
• Compressed natural gas costs 50-cents a gallon before tax compared to
$1.50 per gallon (before tax) for regular gas.
• Proponents of CNG say there is enough in reserve to fuel every car and
home in the country for the next 200 years.

What is Compressed Natural Gas?