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Tuesday, January 18


Indians Reach Out to Help Homeland After Tsunami | article
Dr. Nutan Parikh, president of the local Indian group The Friends of India, has both family and friends who live in western India. In the days after the quake struck, Dr. Parikh said he and other Las Vegans with ties to India were consumed by worries about loved ones.

"We really didn't know the extent of this until the day after," Dr. Parikh said. "We found ourselves wanting desperately to find out how friends and family are, and what we could do to get in touch with them. Many of the phone lines were dead."

While he fortunately learned none of his friends were seriously injured, others were not as lucky. The Friends of India has been meeting for the past month, trying to come up with the best way to help the relief effort. The group started with fund-raisers within the Indian community that have netted $50,000, and now the organization is branching out its fund-raising efforts to the rest of Las Vegas.


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